- Spider-Man: A New Universe | 12-12-2018
- Avengers: Infinity War | 25-4-2018
- Marvel's The Avengers | 25-4-2012
- Team Thor | 28-8-2016
- Batman: Under the Red Hood | 27-7-2010
- Batman Beyond | 19-4-2014
- Guardians of the Galaxy | 30-7-2014
- Sin City | 1-4-2005
- X-Men: Zukunft ist Vergangenheit | 15-5-2014
- Deadpool | 9-2-2016
- Batman und das Phantom | 25-12-1993
- Thor: Tag der Entscheidung | 25-10-2017
- Iron Man | 30-4-2008
- The First Avenger: Civil War | 27-4-2016
- Deadpool 2 | 15-5-2018
- The Return of the First Avenger | 20-3-2014
- The Lego Movie | 6-2-2014
- X-Men: Erste Entscheidung | 24-5-2011
- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 | 19-4-2017
- Kingsman: The Secret Service | 24-1-2015
- X-Men: Erste Entscheidung | 24-5-2011
- Kingsman: The Secret Service | 24-1-2015
- Das Schloss des Cagliostro | 15-12-1979
- Watchmen - Die Wächter | 5-3-2009
- Memories | 23-12-1995
- Spider-Man: Homecoming | 5-7-2017
- Aquaman | 19-12-2018
- Batman: Assault on Arkham | 12-8-2014
- Aquaman | 19-12-2018
- X-Men 2 | 24-4-2003
- Reign of the Supermen | 13-1-2019
- Doctor Strange | 25-10-2016
- The Death of Superman | 3-7-2018
- Marvel One-Shot: Der Mandarin | 4-2-2014
- Avengers: Age of Ultron | 22-4-2015
- X-Men | 13-7-2000
- Black Panther | 13-2-2018
- Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths | 23-2-2010
- The Lego Batman Movie | 8-2-2017
- Spider-Man 2 | 25-6-2004
- Spider-Man | 1-5-2002
- Ant-Man | 14-7-2015
- Meine Nachbarn die Yamadas | 17-7-1999
- Superman | 13-12-1978
- Ant-Man | 14-7-2015
- Das Königreich der Katzen | 19-7-2002
- Iron Man 3 | 18-4-2013
- Batman & Mr. Freeze: Eiszeit | 17-3-1998
- Ant-Man And The Wasp | 4-7-2018
- Die Peanuts - Der Film | 5-11-2015
- Man of Steel | 12-6-2013
- Justice League Dark | 24-1-2017
- Batman vs. Robin | 14-4-2015
- Thor | 21-4-2011
- Justice League: The New Frontier | 26-2-2008
- Justice League vs. Teen Titans | 29-3-2016
- Iron Man 2 | 28-4-2010
- The Amazing Spider-Man | 27-6-2012
- Thor - The Dark Kingdom | 29-10-2013
- X-Men: Apocalypse | 18-5-2016
- Hellboy - Die goldene Armee | 11-7-2008
- Captain America: The First Avenger | 22-7-2011
- Warcraft: The Beginning | 25-5-2016
- Venom | 4-10-2018
- Doctor Strange | 14-8-2007
- Superman II - Allein gegen alle | 4-12-1980
- Planet Hulk | 2-2-2010
- Batman: Gotham by Gaslight | 12-1-2018
- Der unglaubliche Hulk | 12-6-2008
- Marvel One-Shot: Objekt 47 | 13-9-2012
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Maximale Superkräfte | 5-11-2013
- X-Men: Der letzte Widerstand | 24-5-2006
- Justice League: Throne of Atlantis | 27-1-2015
- Wolverine - Weg des Kriegers | 23-7-2013
- Scooby-Doo! & Batman: The Brave and the Bold | 9-1-2018
- 2 Guns | 2-8-2013
- Ingrid Goes West | 11-8-2017
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine | 28-4-2009
- The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro | 16-4-2014
- Marvel Einstellung: Der Berater | 12-9-2011
- Kick-Ass 2 | 17-7-2013
- Valerian - Die Stadt der tausend Planeten | 20-7-2017
- Justice League | 15-11-2017
- Batman: The Killing Joke | 21-7-2016
- Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice | 23-3-2016
- The Punisher | 15-4-2004
- My Friend Dahmer | 3-11-2017
- Adèle und das Geheimnis des Pharaos | 9-4-2010
- Superman Returns | 28-6-2006
- Batman vs. Two-Face | 14-11-2017
- Dick Tracy | 15-6-1990
- Shadow und der Fluch des Khan | 1-7-1994